Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tip: What's in your Plantry??? Back to the Basics!

Unfortunately it is a well known fact that eating whole foods is expensive, which explains the abundance of fast foods in less affluent areas and the rise of obesity, hypertension and strokes.  Though, there are ways to keep prices down and still keep it sexy!

Yup, that's right!  Buy in bulk and fill those mason jars.  This can even be done relatively cheap at Whole Foods in the bulk aisle!  Plus, you can find some goodies that you never knew existed.  Some great items to bulk up on are:  nutritional yeast, ANY kind of bean, quinoa, corn kernals, sea salt, etc.

And if you are a food dork like me, this simple jarring puts a smile on my face.  Not only are all of your items easily visible, but it looks damn sexy!


  1. Sarah,
    As a die-hard carnivorous guy I never thought I would be saying this. My wife is following your blog and making some absolutely delicious meals. Keep on blogging and raiding the p,angry!


  2. That's PANTRY ----
